Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

8 Points You Want In Your Lover.

Okay, I got tagged. So, I'm doing this out of blog ethics. Oh, well, here goes.


Here are the rules of the thing:-
1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points about his/her perfect lover.
2. Has to mention the gender of his/her perfect lover.
3. Tag 8 other victims to join this game and leave a comment on their blog.
4. If you are tagged twice, there is no need to do it again.
5. Lastly, and most importantly, HAVE FUN DOING IT.

Okay, so..............first thing's first, my lover must be girl. FEMALE. There, that should get things clear. Then here goes;

1. Smile.
- My girlfriend must have a smile that'll melt my heart everytime I see it. Not to mention the ability of making me smile when I see her smile too. =)

2. She must not be a bitch.
- This is essential. She must NOT be a bitch. In a sense that, she must not act like one in front of my friends, her friends or anywhere in that matter. My definition of bitch = universal definition of bitch. In short, I want my girl to be more of the tolerating, understanding type.

3. Share.
- In any case, she should share her feelings with me and she should be able to share mine too. So things don't get stuck inside the heart until it causes problems to the relationship.

4. Be verbal.
- In the meaning of, saying things like she means it. Or, telling me things through words, clearly and directly. Because sometimes sign language is hard to understand and might just be misinterpreted in some way or another.

5. Blend in.
- How? Well, for instance, friends of mine and such. But most importantly, family. I hate inter-family fights. And I wouldn't want one in mine. So, be part of the family and smile eh?

6. Humour.
- This is another essential thing. Without humour, there's no chance this girl's gonna be mine. Coz mainly, you see, knowing me, I'm a bloody joker of a type and I really appreciate good laughs. I'm not asking her to be psychotically humourous, but just.....accept humour openly, and when we can, we could laugh together. =)

7. Music.
- Oh man. Music. No music no life. In this case, no music no love. She must really just at least listen to some sort of music. And also be able to accept all sorts of music. If she could, I would love her to play the piano or something, or just simply, sing with me.

8. Be by my side when I need you.
- It's just rational right? I'll definitely be by her side, whenever, wherever, whatever. Trust me. So, I just want my lover to be by MY side during my darkest moments........just to get me through that spot.


Yeah, so there it is. I've fulfilled my duty. Sorry with the stern tone. I'm not in the mood to smile. I'll not tag anyone too. Let it end here. Well, see ya next post.
