Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sweet Sixteen [16/6/06].

Happy Birthday!! Lol. That's what many of my friends said to me that very special day. It's an unforgettable day and in this post, I will make sure it lives on forever in my memory. Forever.

I woke up to a Friday morning. Gah, I was a little groggy due to the time I went to sleep, which is 2 in the morning. Why? Well, I watched the England vs Trinidad match. Hee. So, I walked myself out of my room, and the first thing I received was a kiss. My mom came and greet me right outside the door and wished me a Happy Birthday. Then she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Oooooh, I was so happy that she wished me in such a special that I kissed her on the cheeks back! Heheh. What a great start to a great morning eh? Lol. Well, the rest was routinic as any normal day, but I still felt as though everything's more.....beautiful that day. Hahah.

So, as usual, I took my morning walk to the school. That day, I felt a spring in my step, a joy in my heart, a smile on my face. I was carrying a whole lot of newspaper for the 3R campaign to school too. Didn't bother me abit. =) So, the first thing I reached school, was a whole batch of my peeps, Hee Zhern, Wai Kit, Jia Jun[Mah] and the gang, wished me Happy Birthday. Wow, the feeling was many people at once. Heheh, so I kinda settled a while at the newspaper collection site and had a chat with them when my dear friend, Su Yi, came to me, wished me Happy Birthday and gave me a present!! Oh my god, was I happy. Ah, shortly after that.....of all people, Brenda came and wish me Happy Birthday along with Yuen Yoke. It totally struck me by surprise and I was touched down to the bottom of my heart. Didn't know even they cared. Heheh. Ah, then everything's so beautifully perfect. The newspaper collection was great, the lining up was great, ah heck, everything was just great.

So, went to class as usual, grabbed the buku ponteng and proceeded to class for add maths. Everyone was normal except for a few who saw me along the way and wished me Happy Birthday. Lol. In class, everything was normal too. I was copying notes and everything then something nice happened. Tjit Jian all of a sudden started singing the birthday song and everyone followed. Boy, was my face red. Lol. Ah, I was freaking happy of course as everyone else started wishing me Happy Birthday and all.....ah.... . Even Pn. Chin wished me Happy Birthday. Now is that cool or what? Hahah. I couldn't stop smiling the whole while. My jaws almost killed me. Heheh. Then, lessons went on as usual, with Happy Birthdays here and there from everyone...hahah. Then recess came.

Recess was also normal. Hanged out with the usual people, talked about usual things.....except for a few Happy Birthdays here an there....XD Ah, then came the aftermath of recess. Now this was unusual. It was totally unexpected!! Okay, here's what happened. When I reached class, Brenda told me that Anne-Marie was looking for me! But she said she was just gonna wish me Happy Birthday, that's all. So, I just said "Okay." and went on with my routine. That's when it happened, Anne-Marie came to my class along with Carolyn and Samantha. She had a present in her hand. OH MY GOD. I was elated. Three of em wished the wish and Anne gave me the present. I was so happy I hugged her and all. Lol. And there I go, smiling again. My jaws....hahah. Ah....everything up to now is absolutely perfect. There's only 2 more periods and I'm home free. What's more, no studying for the last 2 periods! There, it's already perfect.

Phew, so, as I've posted two posts ago, there will be plans 2 through 5 to be carried out. =) So, plan 1 was supposedly done on Thursday but I figured that the whole schooling day on that day itself was a great replacement for that plan 1. Hee. Plan 2, the St. John's Revision Class was okay, kinda filled the time pretty well, with talking with the Form 5s and acting all cheeky just because it's my birthday. XD. It was done by 2 o'clock, so I went home immediately coz I'm supposed to catch a movie with my peeps. So, walked the way home and luckily it only started raining AFTER I reached home. Lucky me. Hee. Then, I kinda rushed my way through the shower and got all ready to go to Summit. I haven't had my lunch. Yeah, plan 3 is about to be carried out.

That's when something kinda spoiled my perfect day. It didn't actually kill it, but it kinda upset it. Sheesh. What's the dang problem? Well, I thought we should get the tickets before we eat. That's exactly what we did. We were about to watch Tokyo Drift. The freaking problem is, it's 18SG. But, I was still kinda confident we could con our way through it. But no......this particular day and time, the ticketing bitch was extra vigilant. She asked for ICs. So I was like......shit. What did I do next? I continued conning her by giving great excuses but she still wouldn't let me buy the tickets. For she insisted that the ticket collector would not let me go through too. The reason? "You look too young." I was devastated when I heard that. Oh my god....I LOOK too young? What kind of shit is that? Haih.....well, what to do? She jealous lah I guess......Bloody old bitch. I gave up on the first try after she asked me to get our ICs, which I claimed I left at home....And....I actually went for a second try, with a different no avail. Sigh, after all that crap we claimed we were, including claiming I lived in, we need to watch lah. Sigh, this will be the one and only thing that's wrong on my perfect day. Stupid 18SG and stupid counter bitches. I hope they burn in hel----. Ehem* I hope they suffer a undesirable fate. Hmph. Don't want to curse people on my Birthday. I'll see to it that they kena something..... >=P

So, what did we do? We went to the arcade! We spent time honing our gaming skills and well, time passed. Then, we went to play pool and the funniest thing happened.....we actually walked around the mall, lurking. We stopped shop by shop, buat kacau by just window shopping and the paling cun one is at Popular. We actually sat on the floor near one of the book racks and started talking. It was like we own the place or something. Hahah. We did that at few of the places and before we knew it, it was 6. Time to get back I thought. Hmm, yeah, so I did just that. But before that, my friends actually gave me.....a present. Small as it was, but it's the thought that counts right? They were guys too! Didn't think they would actually think of buying me a present at all! They ARE guys after all. Guys aren't always sensitive like this. Heh. Well, I guess plan 3 did turn out pretty good after all, even without the movie. =)

Plan 4 is by the horizon. I reached home at 6 something and it wasn't long before it was 7. Plan 4 initiates at 7.30. Well, by that time, I called my friends to confirm their attendance and wa-la, in a few minutes, .......Ding Dong. The bell rang. Weeee, they're here! Three of them arrived at the same time! What timing. Lol. And each of them brought presents. Oh my happy can I get more? I was already overwhelmed by the presents I got during school hours and now, three more?? Weee.....So, the first thing we did was eat. Heheh. My dear mom cooked spaghetti, pizza and honey fried chicken!! How much better can it get? Well, we had a hearty chat during the meal and after that, we all went up to my room to chill. I showed them around and then I opened the presents. Hahah. They were great surprises. Here's a picture of all 6 presents I received that day:-

Let me tell you who gave what. Their names would be remembered here as the ones that actually took mind to care about me. I really really wanna thank these people for making my 16th birthday the best ever. Well, let's start. See that little circle with a base which has a bear on it and that little yellow tag? That's Su Yi's present. It's actually a photo frame, made cute. The circle actually stores the picture while the base is actually a bear, holding a bone, with a hat on his back, next to a kennel with a dog in it. Heheh. Thanks alot Su Yi!! see that bigger brown teddy bear with a scarf on its neck? That's Anne-Marie's present. Now ain't that just freakin' cute? I sorta melted when I saw it. It's that cute. Not too mention soft and fluffy too. XD. Now my sheep has a friend!! Thanks alot Anne!! Ah, now look at that pen on the bears lap. That's no oridinary pen my friend, that's a freaking Parker. When I opened it, I was caught in awe. Never in my life did I think I would receive a freakin' Parker!! Oh man, look at that fine silver finish and the cool box. Not to mention the ink head comes out be rotating the body. It's total coolness. Who gave this to me? It's Yen-Theng!! Friend since standard 6 and still going strong. Ah, never regretted having her as a friend. As thoughtful as always. Thanks alot Yen-Theng!! Now, see that leafy thing under the pen? That's a bookmark. The kind that's really tough and solid? The plastic ones? You know? Anyways, it's given by my dear friend, Viknesh. As a nerd, I'm not surprised by the choice of present. Lol. It seems like he wants me to be a nerd too. Heheh. And ironically, the bookmark has a quote on it that reads...."I Obey Your Statutes". What? Lol. So, he is trying to make me be like him! Lol. Well, anyways, Thanks alot Viknesh!! Okay, now shift your attention to that box beside the bear. The one with a red object in it? Yeah. It's a car model actually. Looks very neat. The details are great and it even has a base or display! Who gave me this? Meng Chauw and Jia Jun!! Chong Jia Jun that is....not Mah. Thanks alot Meng Chauw and Jia Jun!! Lastly, that shirt that has the word "Tropical" on it. Megan gave me that one. It's kinda funny too coz it's the first piece of clothing I received as a present. Lol. Well, great start I guess? Heheh. Thanks alot Megan!!

Now here's another picture. Actually, it's the same picture but focuses more on the BEAR and the PEN. Why is this picture here? Well, it's the picture of my two favourite presents! Heheh.

Yup, these two are my favourite. Why? I just don't know why, but the meaning of these gifts touched my heart deeply. Well, the bear.......Given by Anne-Marie, it means alot to me. To think that she's my senior and we were once total strangers. And now, she understands me like her little brother. Makes me feel like I actually have a big sis. Now, the pen? The thing about it is probably because it struck me by total surprise. I really never ever though to own a thing of such stature in my life! The sight of it is enough to kill me. It'll probably be with me for a very long time. Heheh.

Well, phew. It's a pretty freakin long post ain't it? And oh yeah, plan 5. My uncle's back. Hehe. Because of his arrival, I went to sleep at 3 something. And I had ko-ku today, which means I only got 3 hours of sleep. Damn. It was worth it though. Seeing him is cool stuff man. Well, a Ph.D is something different ain't it? Lol. And yeah, my family is actually going back to hometown just to spend time with his family. It's that big. Not only us will be going back, everyone else is too. It's that big. Well, can't post too much about here now, I'm running out of time. Gotta go back soon. I'll probably post about him in the next post. So, I better finish this post first. Phew.

Before I end. I would like to conclude that this is the best birthday I've had. My 16th birthday. I thank everyone who took the trouble to wish me Happy Birthday and special thanks to the ones who took the trouble to get me a present. I give you all my blessings for being such kind persons. Thanks for making my birthday what it is. Thanks for giving me this memory. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'll make sure this memory stays forever in my mind. So, I swear, even when I'm not anymore a teen, I will always remember that Sweet Sixteen~

Joe>>>>>>>>>>>>>Happy. [Best Birthday on 16/6]


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joe...

am really really surprised u liked the bear...ahaha am even more suprised when u name it as one of your favourites!! u know i was thinking 'argh this is lame, giving a soft toy to a guy'...and i actually hesitated whether should i give it to you...anyway, glad you like it !! =D

lots of love, hugs and kisses,
anne jie

9:06 PM  

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