Hello. Finally, I'm back. After A week long absence, I'm finally back. Sigh, this sounds like some weird drama or something. By the way, today, I'm going to post about the KLIMS '06 that just ended on the 4th of June, which was yesterday. Oh well. And yeah, my title, it's not about loving a girl. It's about loving my daddy and mommy. Why? Read on!
What's that? It's the Kuala Lumpur International Motorshow! Heheh, went there last Saturday and it was a total blast I tell you. It totally satisfies the little fantasy that boys have all the time~ Cars AND Babes.
Hahah. Went there with my little brother, and it wasn't fun. He just keeps whining. Wanna look at cun chicks also he bising. Sigh. Well, small kid mah right? Tsk tsk tsk.
Anyways, it was hella cool and I got to see a truckload, no, make that a buttload of cars that you will never get a chance to see on the road or in your life! All the exotic was like heaven. Well, I'm not gonna blog about the whole journey throughout all the FIVE halls of automobiles, I'll make it up by showing some pictures! Fair? I know, I know.......Well, I'm still gonna show you the pictures! [Ehem* Wait. This was supposed to be yesterday's post, but I somehow did not manage to post this, and due to unforeseen consquences, such as time and freakin' long loading time for the pictures.....I decided to show you *some* pictures only. It will take an eternity to show you the pictures I wanted to show you. So....don't angry ya?]

F1 Car! Saw it up close....Gah, not too exciting this one. It was driven by Schumi though.
One of Toyota's concept vehicles. Try to imagine us driving one of these in the future. Heh. [*Babe is Hot.]
I'm sorry for the interruption, Ladies and Gentlemen, Blogger is apparently NOT letting my pictures appear anymore. So, there is that measly TWO pictures there? Oh man.....Nevermind! The post must go on! Well, I'll upload it somewhere else and I'll put a link here when I do kay? So....please do not say I'm cheap. Lol. No. I'm Serious. Please.
To make up for the lousy amount of pictures, please, let me tell you a little bit more about it. Erm....there is not much to tell is there? Sigh. OH WELL.....Next topic!!
Love For Mommy and Daddy
Why the mushy stuff all of the sudden eh? Well, I'll tell you why. I realize as of Sunday, I love my parents alot. I can't begin to tell how much they love me too. They don't exactly tell me that they love me. It's all in the heart. So, why did I suddenly realize this?
It was on that Sunday. For the simple reason that my dad bought me my birthday present. That's not what it means actually. Why I love him so much for that is because of the meaning behind it. You see, I never expected to get a present this early and.....out of the blue, he bought me that thing I've always wanted. It hit me in the head when he said he was gonna buy it for me! I didn't even ask for it, I've only mentioned it a few times, and there he goes, getting it. It's not cheap too, mind you. Then, I realized, he does care! He doesn't verbalize it but he does it. Action speaks louder than words eh?
Okay, mom? Why do I suddenly realize I love her alot? It's a funny story too. My friend made me realize that. It was that Monday morning, which was yesterday morning to be exact. I went to play ping pong at her house. What happened there is not important. What's important is that I saw her make her own breakfast. Why is that significant? It's significant because I never have to make breakfast. My mom does. I don't even have to ask. Then I realized that I'm one lucky asscrack. While alot of other people have to make their own milo, I just wake up to it already on the table. That made me realize. That made me see why my mommy is so precious to me. Breakfast is only ONE thing she does for me, she also does the cleaning, the ironing and such for me. I can't imagine life without mom.
That is why, I dedicate this post to my parents. Words just can't describe the hidden love behind the things they do. I just won't know where to start. I promise to love them as long as I'm still their son. I vow to take care of them when they need it. I am grateful that they are my parents.
I Love You Mom & Dad.
6 6 6
Anybody realize that? Today is the 6th day of the 6th month of the year '06. That makes the date today 6/6/06! Thus, indirectly spelling the number of the anti-christ. I'm not a christian myself but I know they don't like they number. It symbolises the devil. Why? Ask them. I don't really know myself. Ironically, today is a good date for the chinese community. So, there's like a clash of beliefs here. Heh. Well, ignorance is bliss. Let's just think of today as a day like any other. I'm going to bed soon anyway. Let's not let this spoil sweet dreams!
That's all for today. For an absence of a week, seems pretty weak. Well, I'll think of more stuff to write next time. See ya next post people.
Joe>>>>>>>>>>>>>Out. [Birthday On 16/6]
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