Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

First Day of Labour.

A Labour of Love.


Not really. But yeah.

Anyways, as some of you have known, I'm working already. For 3 months, till SPM results come out.

Workplace: Tutorial Lee. [No, not as a teacher. I'm not qualified. Neither are you. XP]

Today was my first day, and well, it wasn't really what I expected but well, I got used to it within the first few hours. It required less effort than I expected, but well, I think it's just because it's during this time of the year, when people are still having their holidays. I figured things would heat up after new year. Hehe, can't wait.

Work hours for me are from 1 pm to 10 pm. 1 hour dinner time, but it's really loose. No strictness involved, and everything is flexible, from dinner time to dress code. It's so free! Wahaha. Plus, I get to bring my guitar along. How wicked is that?

But don't let all that free soul story fool you, I did learn quite abit and do quite abit today. to operate the photostat machine extensively! Hahah. And, how to do things more efficiently, how to cooperate with your colleagues, blah blah, yadda yadda, and all that. It was great fun! I felt useful....=)

Mmm, 2nd day tomorrow, can't wait. Hahah. Well, that's all. Come see me at Taipan, or when you drop by at McD's and say hi! I'd appreciate that. Till then, take care~

Joe>>>>>>>>>>>>Working Siut.


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