Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Good Days.

How often do we get to see nice skies like this?

Hmm, days are going by. It's whether we all make the most out of the days that go by. Most of us don't. I don't think I do.

But we all try don't we? We all try...

I think though that my days are wonderful. Eventhough it lacks certain things sometime.

Why wonderful? Like how I do some really stupid and funny things in the name of Love which not many people would do. But I do. And in the end of the day, I still feel happy.

It's strange. Hee. Lately, I've been walking back everyday. But I really don't mind, despite the heat and sometimes rain. Never were there a nice day to walk back. But I still feel great after going home.

I'm having good days. And I feel like singing all the time. Though I wake at unseemly hours and feel groggy throughout the day. Hehe.

I feel like singing for you. For all the reasons that are good. The simple reasons. Or simply the desire to take my guitar from the couch and start playing.

Though all that. I still have alot of things that I want and need. But what better way to start the journey than with a good day? =)

Joe>>>>>>>>>Loving the weather.


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