Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Friday, November 30, 2007

Yes? YES.


It's gone as swiftly as it has come.

Well, maybe not so swiftly, but you get what I mean.

It's OVER.


Look at the 1 month plus that has just obliviated into thin space.

Is 'obliviated' even a word?

Haha, I lost my english along with it.

Just Kidding.


Now, I can be free.

Of thoughts.

Of books?



Well, it's holidays at last.

It's me, her, me,

Well, hope it's really so.



You, who finished today:-

YAY!! Accounts is fun. =)

You, who finished with Bio:-


You, who finished BEFORE Bio:-



Good Luck for the rest with Chinese.



That's all for now. Too overwhelmed. XD


Joe>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Holidays. Like, Finally.