Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Friday, May 15, 2009

So Late!

Where have you been blogger part of Joe???

Joe: I donno. He just, disappeared. =/ Okay, no, he was just lazy.

Yeah, and that's exactly my explanation for not blogging for the past, ionno, 3 or 4 months? It's really just a simple reason of not wanting to maintain something ugly. Yeeps, so ghey.

You guys realized the missing sidebar for the past 3 months?

<<<<<<<<<<< Yeah that thing. With the clock and links and all.

One of my posts screwed it up and I sorta didn't want to get to repairing it? And so I kinda lost the motivation to blog and stuff. Besides, I wouldn't wanna blog if people can't leave a comment on the tagboard. And no one bothers to click on the comment box =/

So yeah! I'm finally back with another post like this. No pictures and stuff, cuz I'm just not dedicated enough as the other bloggers. (Lazy la tu.)

Yeah, so what's been happening for the last 3 or so months of my life, is mostly summed up this way:

-Girlfriend flew to another continent.
-Finished my foundation with above average scores.
-Had 2 weeks break.
-Started Uni in Inti UC under the course BEEUB (Bachelor in Electrical Engineering with the University of Bradford)

That's the major points I guess. Those tiny little things that happened in the middle, they were a truckload. Lotsa stuff happened. But I can't remember anything. o.o

At this moment, I'm blogging from the University Placement Office in school and I have class at 10. Which means I had 2 hours to burn. Half an hour down, 1.5 more to go. =.= It's really sad the timing sometimes. Oh, and I have 6 subjects this semester. Bloody 'ell.

So yeah, I actually wanted to stay in Nilai and stuff, figuring it'll be less tiring, more stuff to do, more friends, can join more activities, and stuffles such as that. But rooms were full. =( SAD. Which is so sad that I have to wait until next semester to get a room. So now I'm resorted to taking the busy every single day back and forth from Subang to Nilai. Pretty damn stiff.

I'm so blur right now. Have to wake up at 6 o'clock 4 of the 5 days. T.T

I'll blog a little more soon. =)



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