Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Thursday, August 09, 2007


Hi Kawan-Kawan, SMK Seafield datang lagi dengan masa-masa exam yang menggila cepat. Belum pun sampai bulan Ogos, dah setat[start]. Macam mana kami nak cope? Takyahlah! Tetapi, Tuhan memberi kami kekuatan, dan Trials sudahpun hampir sampai ke penamatnya. Ya All-. I mean, yes, God. =)

Hee =D Well, you all have to admit that trials is a wee bit too fast eh? Well, it's been a custom here at SMK Seafield lah. Nothing new. Blek. Nevermind loh, it's about to end and well, another wave of hell is about to be unleashed on us. Oh, Have Mercy~

And so, this two weeks have been mighty uncool for one reason. Trials lah, noob. Study like babi, then take test like babi, then end up tired like babi also. But, tak dapat makan babi. Tak syok loh, beb. Hmm, but I've taken a lesson from this Trials thingy. It's that I HAVE to bloody not stop studying from now on. I kinda got the engine warmed up again, so hell, let's keep it hot straight up to SPM. I do hope my mind keeps that in, yeah, so that I don't just say it....AGAIN. Like I did all those times before. Smack me if I do.

A couple a' good things happened say, my Hi-Fi's CD player is working again! It kinda stopped working some time back, when its CD changer just goes 'crack' like it's jammed or what so. Well, yesterday, while practicing Add Maths, I was listening to all the happening tunes, then tiba-tiba my playlist stopped. "Ah, songs habis, let's repeat." I was using my thumbdrive then. You see, this Hi-Fi of mine has moods, so sometimes it doesn't read my thumbdrive properly. Yesterday was one of those days. Maklumlah, I was on a roll doing all those questions and this just pisses me off. Music is like, my drive man. You're taking away my drive! I detached and re-attached my thumbdrive a few times, and it didn't work. So, I pressed the CD/DVD mode button cause if I switched it that way, the USB mode might work back. Well, it didn't. I gave a smack to the side of the Hi-Fi, and I kinda did a 'scratchtable' motion on it's CD changer surface. Nyeheh. =X It got stuck a little when it closed, and so I pulled it out again and it went back in. There were lots of violence involved. But tiba-tiba~ The familiar sound of the CD player working again filled my ears. OMG, the successive revolvings of the bloody CD changer! It went 'griak griak griak' three times, as it was a 3 CD changer. I was O.O. It didn't go 'crack' again. ^.^ I opened and put in my YUI CD. . . . . . . . . . . . . It played. YATTA~! Add Maths was fun. Heheh.

Well, now I'm putting on all the CDs I've only been RIPPING. My CDs feel loved again. Woohoo. Hee hee.

Man, can't wait for holidays, when I can SLEEP again. Ahh~ Waking up at 12 o'clock. Pure bliss.

Till then, see you all lah, tomorrow got BM2 and Maths1. Which I don't plan on studying. XD No challenge mah.



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