Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Friday, March 17, 2006

Interact IU > Leo IU. Period.

Hello people, i'm back. I just came back from Leo's IU. I've posted in the previous posts that i'm gonna report about it, and how it fared against ours? Have I? Well, whatever, i'm gonna report on it anyway. Sorry Leos out there, but it wasn't spectacular! So, don't expect me to praise it.

Here i am, tired as heck, coz i woke up early to get ready for this event. Haih, i even borrowed my dad's blazer so that i could look good there! Well, i didn't need to. It wasn't what it was cracked up to be. After Interact's IU, i must admit it is abit hard for the Leos. Coz it has set such a standard for IUs that, it is just hard to beat. Well, i have explained before how great our IU was......phew, i wouldn't want to do it again. So, please understand, Leos who happen to come across this review of the event. I'm not trying to belittle it or what, just tellin the truth.

So here goes.


okay, this'll be MY review, no one elses. It's my opinion, no one elses. This is not an interactor's review. It's an ordinary guy's review. this should be really clear by now, so, no complaints! let's go by chronology okay?, the location. Summit Hotel...not bad. It's a pretty place, the ballroom's great, nice chandeliers, and stuff like that. One thing that wasn't good, the stage. It was tiny. I mean, it's not long enough, it's wide, yeah, but not long enough. so, i'm quite sure the performers were turned-off too. Hmm, oh well.

Next, let's see, the events. I'll go by whole in this one, no point going one by one. Coz, they're all the same to me, lacklustre. They had games, lucky draws, bands, shufflers, ONE sketch, bands, and shufflers. -_- Well, one thing i want to touch on sooooo much, the games. Lousy. They could've just chucked the whole thing out of the program. The lucky draws......boring. The bands? Sux. Even the great One Way Street sounded like shit on stage. [Work on it PA guy!!] shufflers? Sri KL's shufflers did not look as great as they were at Interact's IU. The lighting were off-target. Lousy lousy lousy. haih, i felt bad for them. coz they are actually great shufflers. Phew, tough luck. Well, i'm not gonna bang on the performances anymore, coz people might get upset. well, there were a few noteable performances, such as, the 'ultraman' dance, done by Mok Wai Hong and gang, which was pretty amusing but the emcees came along and spoiled it by repeating it many many times during games. sigh. Erm, the 'dirty dancing' was pretty good too, done my Mitra Goh and friend. [forgot her name, sorry!] hmmm, then the closing act was pretty funny too, with Joseph Lai as a girl. Reminds me of our dear interactor Reuben Kang as Laura! lol. Well, that was pretty much it. The show was actually spoilt by too much useless games and bands. They could've done better by arranging the events properly. Coz, there were just too many bands after another. They could've do one band, then one dance, then one band, then one singing, etc. You get the idea. and yeah! speaking about singing, Ei Jean did a wonderful job. Nice voice there. Well, at least she made the show a liiiiittle better. That's it about the performances for now, i could've continued till next morning. Sorry, i'm very fussy and abit harsh for a judge. No hard feelings Leos.

NEXT, the food. Hmm, this i would not complain. It was pretty good actually. There were a wide variety of food and they were mostly good. So, not bad on this one, but the pudding could do a little better. :) Yeah, thanks to the food, i was able to skip dinner. heheh.

Then, there was the crowd. Hah. This is a tough one to crack. It's not entirely their fault but it isn't the crowd's fault either. The crowd was quite a number actually......but, they started leavin like nobody's business when it was three quarters through the show? yeah. there were just a handful of people left at the tables after that time. even my table was rather empty. i would have to say security wasn't tight enough. And shows weren't attractive enough. well, cant blame security too much, there were too many entrances. and the crowd was near dead. No real responses whatsoever, just like a few tables were cheering, one at the time.... tough crowd, as all the emcees would say.

Ah, that reminds me of another thing, the emcees. The initial emcees were okay, they were Sara Lau, Zuhir and Zamri? Was that their name? i'm only sure Sara is correct, the rest are in correct me if i'm wrong. so anyways, the main emcees were fine. Nothing wrong. BUT, calling out 'guest emcees' for each and every event as if it was the oscars was a big mistake. some of them can't emcee, and most of them are just for show. so what's the point? there is none. So it's like calling these ppl up for nothing and they're wasting our time and we're wasting theirs. sigh. But i could see the original emcees were trying hard to impress the crowd but the crowd just wasn't responding. oh well. tough luck. again.

Then, there's the PA guy. I think he is the one guy everyone should blame for the bad show. He is really that bad. compared to Interact's PA dude, he is nothing but a fraction of his talents. This guy sucks! he placed the lights unstrategically and the freaking lights were annoyingly spraying at the audience and doing a poor job giving the performers what they need! SPOTLIGHT! and that too, the spotlight was awry, i guess this is only the fault of the technician, which is really lousy too. Both of them = bad time. and also, they're like damn dumb in the light timing, it keeps turning on and off, and what do i get? headache. stupid guy. screw him. sigh. in a nutshell, the sound system was bad, the lighting system were bad, and there you go, screwed up performances. -_-

Hmm, i've reviewed around five elements by now, and yeah, i think that's all i need to tell and all you need to know. If i go on, it'll take forever. So, i'm gonna sum this up now. In conclusion, this IU was a below average IU, with some good performances and some pretty entertaining stuff, but overall, it's just what you don't need to attend. It could've been better, coz i don't see much effort in the part of the performers and organizers, everyone was like half-concentrated, so there goes their IU, spoilt. Well, i wouldn't know, maybe they had problems to go through? perhaps internal affairs? yeah, I wouldn't know.

So, to finalize a score for this event, i would give a final verdict of:-

--------------------------------------------------------END OF REVIEW---------------------------------------------------------

ehem, so back to myself. i realize my critical side is very unforgiving. :P but one thing i wanna say to the Leos, JIA YOU!!! you can do it guys! we'll see next year! good luck sister club! XD

and one personal note of mine regarding ze event, i really give my sympathies to Leo's teacher advisor. she was the one least enjoying the show IMO. the VIPs left after a while and she was sitting there....ALONE! T_T i wanted to cry for her already, so lonely. sigh. and the Leos could do nothing about it. she's your teacher goddamit!! give her some care! sigh sigh sigh. =_=

Wooh, that was long. my hands are kinda tired....buek. but please, i hope i do not offend any Leos who happens to read this, by accident or not. Peace to us all ya? :D

Well, that's pretty much my day actually, Leo's IU. I've now got my homework to catch up. hopefully i'll be able to. >.< So, i guess i'll stop here for today. And yeah! one more thing, i'm gonna write a fanfic [a story] soon, i need your opinion on whether i should or not. Write it in the comments box please? please, please, please? hee, your support is all i need. Thanks ya'll! See ya in the next post!

Till then.....Joe>>>>>>OUT.


Blogger Joanne Loke said...

fiction? hmmm.. if you insist, perhaps a one with two parts la, sequel? Lol.. and I think the blame was on the PA system and the lightings lah.. and mayb they weren't as firm as amry lo.. don wanna hurt other people mah.. more sympathetical (no offence) haha.

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey joe. sara here. it's zuhier and zamri. but i think your review was a biiiiit too harsh lah. what mattered was the company, and even tho you might say it sucked, the company was good eh? give them some credit lah. their ori plan didn't work as intended to. and i didn't exactly shine up there for them either. the guest emcees wasn't a very good idea, but if they like it then they like it i guess. and besides, the reason our iu worked out so well was cuz we all listened to amry right. hah. anyway, the lighting was okay. but i think they just ordered too much lighting at one spot. so that got a little messy. and i thought the srikl shufflers did better here than at our iu! really! but one way street no lah. anyway, i enjoyed the company, so i had fun, i don't really care if i didn't do well, i did what i had to do i guess. =)

10:17 AM  

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