Inertia Of My Head~

It's An All Ordinary Blog, but Extraordinarily Ordinary. Because this is where my feelings and thoughts flow free. Nothing's a secret here. :)

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Highlight: RAIN.....HEAVY RAIN.

woot, here it is, another post! this is the...erm.....4th one! without fail!

okay,, was tired. slept at 3 yesterday. :P shhhhhh, don't tell me mom! hahahah. but you see, i woke up darn early.....9 i think. so i was like.....wwwooooooaaaaahhhhh.......really dizzy. Then, on my comp as usual, rot as usual....then went out.....wait. went out? yeah. went to the IC making centre in PJ. then came back after a while. what did i do after that? do homework........what? don't believe? i did!!

Why? coz it was piling up like dirt. if i dont clean it up soon, i'm gonna get busted, for real. well, and so i did. Then, at 1 something, we went to the IC processing centre in PJ again. Our whole family's getting their ICs changed coz of the address, we shifted, remember? heheh. and my lil bro's finally getting his one. Well, happy family, we all got ICs!! then you wont believe what happened, my dad agreed to bring us to Sungei Wang! woohooo! my fav place to go!

the only bad thing was......

it started raining AFTER we went inside. so, we were stuck at Sungei Wang....for a pretty long time.....and what's worse? i had to run through rain. why neh? coz actually, i was at Low Yat Plaza, the place opposite Sungei Wang, and my mom was STILL in Sungei Wang, getting her hair done at Kimarie. Well, i had to be the escort to bring her to Low Yat. Coz, maklumlah, females have lousier sense of direction compared to us men. :P hahah. so, being the great child i am, i ran through heavy rain, got wet, and went to get my mother over to Low Yat Plaza. well, stupidly, the rain was less heavy on the return trip, so my mom didnt get wet. -_-

Nevermind i thought, more love to my mom huh? so, we went home......i was freezing cold. but i am MAN, so i didnt grumble. :P then another annoying thing happened when we reached home. The auto gate ISN'T opening! this can only mean ONE thing. the power is out. turns out that the whole row was out of power. was up to me open the auto gate MANUALLY, IN THE RAIN. it was raining heavily again FYI. argh, and oh least i got to close it with the help of a......brolly. yeah, like it does alot...-_-

so, there was actually a power outage. so, we had no fan or anything. not even lights. but everyone of us got to bathe and we were going out to have steamboat! yay! nice spicy tom yam to help me warm up! sure is a treat on this rainy day. :D [the power was still out btw.]

so, i had to open the door manually again. nvm, we're gonna have good food, i thought. this is when something really stupid happened again! lol! it was so stupid i laughed at my disfortune. JUST when i closed the gate.....and turned my back on it, the power came BACK ON!! i haven't even went into the car!! hahahah. it was total pawnage. i think god must love playing with me. He must've had a good time today huh? getting me wet and exhausted and all. XD

so, the meal was great, was really full, but scared i put on weight pulak.....and then i came back and i blogged this here. hee hee. so free right me? yeah......and actually that's all for today. one more thing! tomorrow is Leo's IU. hieh hieh hieh. we'll see how it goes eh? heheheh. Well, i wish them luck again. we'll see how they work under pressure. i'm looking forward to seeing how they fare against our great IU. XD

so, that's it for today folks, till the next poooooost,



Blogger Joanne Loke said...

omg.. funny!! hahahahahaha, i like the part where the power came on RIGHT after you did you thang.. hahahaha.. and you aint MAN!! hahaha XD

11:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey..!! wat females have lousier sense of direction compared to men!! tskk tskk.. insult insult.. dowan read ur blogee edy.. LoL!! u know y u have bad luck cos u insulted females.!! wahahaa... serve u right!!! xP!!

10:55 PM  

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